The progress of the first world is won on the back of the third. Never has this saying been any more true than in the 21st century: Corporate intrest is running amok, the demand for natural resources has torn the black continent asunder, but people change. The new technologies have formed a new human, both genetical and technological.
New possibilities give birth to new mindsets, which will eventually have to wage war against the ones of old.In the year 2070 there is still hope, and a fighting chance to put "human" back into humanity.
In the year 2070 the new human generation will have to decide, wether to smash the shackles of the old world, or to arrange themselves with the ghosts of the past.
The distinction of loyalities is becoming ever more blurry. Who is on who's side?
Few can tell, few can see clearly in a world drowning in heavy smog.

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1 Kommentar:
Warum durften wir das jetzt nochmal nicht bei mir mit auf einer Plattform hosten, wo es auch gesehen wird?
Es ist wirklich tolles Material!
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